We've learned, and it's getting better.

The re-start back at the theatre in late 2021 was imperfect. Although the Prima staff and I did loads of preparations, there were unanticipated factors that led to some flawed productions.

I've heard from numerous people that Soon didn't feel like you were at a Prima production. Then I learned an essential lesson with a marketing mismatch between the image, title, and description of On The Naughty List, where many patrons felt surprised by what they expected versus what the show was. 

I hear you.

As Central PA's "Off-Broadway" boutique theatre, "expect the unexpected" is definitely a fitting adage. Our vision of helping people live fully alive means taking risks to go beyond the status quo – and there are occasions where it doesn’t land with the most winning results. I am greatly appreciative of your grace and trust, and I’m endeavoring to make it a rare occasion when performances don’t meet your expectations.

Sometimes our programming is life-changing for a few and unattractive to others. I received honest and important critical feedback about Soon and Naughty List. I also had conversations where people told me, with tears in their eyes, that one of these shows was the first time they saw a politically-charged topic they feel passionate about actually talked about from a Lancaster theatre organization. Another shared that it was the first they've seen someone of their gender orientation ever represented on stage. Or the email I received that shared that "I have been so deeply, clinically depressed lately. That message of hope and the challenge she shared -- it got me through the holidays, and I keep thinking about it ever since." 

No matter the impact, the quality of our stage productions needs to be consistent in providing the invigorating theatrical experiences we promise.

The good news: We're learning from it. 

  • I'm personally working with three marketing and public relations professionals to ensure the language and graphics for our future productions are clearer than ever.

  • Programming is now being planned three years in advance. This means more time to curate every detail of our productions to be the most invigorating experience. 

  • For those that enjoyed Jekyll & Hyde, Murder Ballad is going to be highly enjoyable! The show is set with seating surrounding the playing space in the middle of the room. It features a live band and four wildly talented singers, including a recent American Idol top 9 finalist! It's not as racy as it might seem – and offers an exciting night of story, intrigue, and the type of great performances that we all expect from Prima.

  • Donovan is back to lead the cast of Queen+Journey! 

Our mission is alive and well, and the impact of your investment in Prima is helping our community thrive. Oh, the stories I am excited to share with you!!! I'll be sharing some exciting and exclusive updates more regularly starting over the coming weeks.

I've never been more encouraged or excited about the beautiful things ahead. Thank you for being a part of making it a reality!

- Mitch


Despite everything, she chose this.