a sense of belonging

Austin Teahl is well accustomed to defying expectations. I had the opportunity to talk with Austin, our current NextGen Intern, and hear about his experience at Prima. He shared that he has cerebral palsy, a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth. He has dealt with the stigma surrounding this label his entire life - and while interning here at Prima, he said,

“I feel like I belong.”

According to Austin, the cerebral palsy label makes the world believe he will never drive a car, live on his own, finish college, nor become a professional in his field.

One of his life goals is to prove naysayers wrong.

Austin drives his own car, lives independently, is graduating from Millersville with a degree in Entertainment Technology, and is collecting professional experience in lighting design at Prima. During the recent production of INTO THE WOODS, Austin was the lead lighting board operator. “Prima shaped me into who I am becoming as a professional in the industry.”

Your continued support matters. Together, we’re investing in making Prima the most welcoming and exciting cultural outlet in the region. It truly is invigorating lives.

It made a big impact on Austin.

Austin says, “If you want to label me, label me ‘unique.’”

- John Andreadis
Prima’s Galvanizing Champion




Lincoln Middle School's night "Into The Woods"